Formaldehyde - which can cause: skin irritation, respiratory irritation, nausea, vomiting, cancer, and death)
Phenol and 2-phenoxyethanol - which is linked to: burns, blisters, eczema, dermiatitis, respiratory irritation, muscle
tremors, loss of coordination, immune system failure, organ damage, and death
Thiomersal - skin rashes, kidney damage, gastrointestinal issues, impaired neurological development, problems with
peripheral vision, sensory disturbances, speech impairment, physical weakness, muscular atrophy, tremors, mood swings,
testable cognitive deficits, which are all known symptoms of mercury poisoning and autism
According to Wikipedia, thiomersal or sodium ethylmercurithiosalicylate, commonly known in the United States as thimerosal, is an organomercury compound (approximately 49% mercury by weight) used as an antiseptic and antifungal agent. It was invented and patented by Morris Kharasch. The pharmaceutical corporation Eli Lilly and Company gave it the trade name Merthiolate and it has been used as a preservative in vaccines, immunoglobulin preparations, skin test antigens, antivenins, ophthalmic and nasal products, and tattoo inks. Its use as a vaccine preservative is controversial, and it is being phased out from routine childhood vaccines in the United States, the European Union, and a few other countries
Well it turns out the FDA, CDC, and Congress realized the controversial link between thiomersal and autism, and by 2001 they phased out all vaccines containing thiomersal, except for yearly flu injections. But yet 2001's autism statistics are much lower than todays, so there has to be something else to it. Since thiomersal was phased out the drug companys are still using other dangerous preservatives are still being used in the vaccination.
I think that it is very obvious as to the reason why these pharmaceutical companies are still using these preservatives, opposed to single dose vials vs. the multi-dose vials that must contain a preservative. Well pharmaceutical companies are corporations, and the bottom line in a corporation is to make a profit, and it is much cheaper for the companies who produce these vaccines to just put their vaccine in a multiple dose vial (which means multiple people can be given a vaccine, but they have to keep a preservative in it to keep bacteria from growing in it) opposed to the single dose vials that need no preservative because they are factory sealed and used once. The only problem with this is that glass vials are more expensive than preservatives, and in the eyes of a corporation that means less profit.
Since I started this blog I have been doing a lot of research into this controversy, and it just makes me so sad to know that these companies, just like big tobacco, knew the dangers years in advance, but do nothing about it until the public says something. I wish these companies were held to a higher standard rather than being protected by the government that they are constantly paying off with their lobbying groups. in 2005 President George W. Bush signed the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act. PREPA gave big pharmaceatical companies blanket immunity for injuries caused by their toxic vaccines. These are the kind of laws that make me wonder if these vaccines are better for us or them.
I was born in 1983, the same year that they came out with the recommended schedule for immunizations, at that time it was 11 vaccines received from infancy to 18 years of age. Now its 39 immunizations, and back in 1983 it cost around $300-$400 for all the vaccines a child gets, currently parents will spend about $1500 on immunizations for each child. And since I was born in 1983 that is all the vaccines I received, and I have never had any serious illness. So why would the schedule change so dramatically in the past 25 years, especially if the original schedule worked fine.

After all the research I have been doing, I think that if I had a child today I wouldn't give it the "vaccine overload", i'm not saying that i wouldn't immunize the baby, but i just wouldn't follow the schedule that is recommended. Ihave two nephews (4 and 6), who were never vaccinated and are perfectly healthy children. So I don't know who is right or who is wrong on this debate, but i do know that right now I don't think I would want to gamble with giving my kid autism, just to satisfy some bureaucrat in washington who's wallet for some reason keeps getting fatter, as they protect the big pharmaceutical lobby. Kids shouldn't be some statistic so that these companies can make a more profitable drug.